Daily vaping news

Tennessee provides resources to help residents quit smoking
10. November 2018 - Clarksville NowThat line can be reached at 1-800-QUIT-NOW. A Tennessee Department of Health release says about 1.5 million Tennesseans smoke cigarettes. And tobacco use is the single largest preventable cause of death and disease in the world. Quitting smoking has...

WRFC encourages smokers to make a plan to quit smoking during the American Cancer Society's Great American ...
10. November 2018 - Watertown Public Opinion“The most important thing smokers can do to improve their health is to quit smoking cigarettes and other forms of combustible tobacco,” said Kelli Rumpza, Community Prevention Specialist. “We are showing our support for people who take those first...

The Sooner You Quit Smoking, the Better
6. November 2018 - HealthDayTUESDAY, Nov. 6, 2018 ( News) -- Despite the well-known dangers of smoking, the sizable benefits of quitting may be overlooked, a new study suggests. "These findings underscore the benefits of quitting smoking within five years, which is a 38...

5 steps to quit smoking
4. November 2018 - Chicago Daily HeraldSo you've decided to quit smoking. Great! It's one of the best things you can do to improve your health and add years to your life. It's not easy -- but you can do it. You're more likely to quit for good if you prepare for your last cigarette and the...
Doctors not pushing smokers with artery disease to quit
10. November 2018 - Reuters( Health) - Smokers with narrowed blood vessels in their legs would do well to quit smoking, but many doctors may not be giving them enough support to do it, a recent study suggests. Smoking can dramatically increase the risks of peripheral...