Daily vaping news

Ohio's first legal marijuana operation deals with security, potency and oversight
8. October 2018 - Canton RepositoryThe company also received a provisional processing license, which will allow it to turn its plants into tinctures, lotions, capsules, vape pen cartridges and more — products that patients with a doctor's recommendation for medical marijuana can buy in...

Hey, LHS Administration: Closing the Bathrooms Won't Solve our Vaping Issue
10. October 2018 - The CubHere's the fundamental issue with how LHS deals with vaping — very few people actually vape in the bathrooms. Many do it in the privacy of their homes, or with their peers. Closing the bathrooms doesn't root out the main places people vape. Rooting...

Paul Pierce Launches Vape Pen Company For CBD Oils
26. October 2018 - Def Pen (press release)Proud to announce the launch of my new company @vapevesper a great way for me to intake my cbd oils for chronic pain and anxiety these type of medications should b in allowed in sports as an alternative to pain pills and other issues athletes deal with...

Local Schools On Alert As Vaping Spreads Among Students
12. October 2018 - Indiana Public MediaThe FDA is labeling vaping an “epidemic” among young people. It's a problem Eric Bowlen, Principal of John R. Wooden Middle School, says he deals with regularly. "The definition of 'epidemic' is too broad," Bolwen says. "But I think that if it impacts...